On a recent trip to the library, I took a few minutes to read The Writer and Writers' Digest, two periodicals I rarely read any more. But, in this case, the timing was perfect. There were articles to encourage writers who have faced rejection. I have had that experience over and over again, interspersed with an occasional hit. The Writers Digest articles were the most encouraging.
For example, we have a copy of Robert Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance in our bookshelves, somewhere. Paperback. I wouldn't be surprised if several of you have it, too. Here's the story. Pirsig's book was rejected 121 times before he got a hit from William Morrow with a $3,000 advance. It sold more than a million copies in its first year.
Obviously, that is worth thinking about, and, obviously, they are getting across the point to never, never quit. I have a chunk of granite with those words on it above my desk. I need to remember that bit of advice, and so do you if you're not having publication, yet. Keep the faith.