Odysseus Tyrone

Call me Odie. That is the name of our puppy. Feel free to call him "O.D." because that fits. It could stand for "Often Daffy," "Occasionally Docile," or even "Oddly Different." He is all of those things, and more. His heritage? Rescue pup from the local Human Society. We acquired him at six weeks of age and in a few days he will be six months old. Then, he weighed six pounds. Now? Lord knows, but probably banging up against fifty, and still growing. His heritage, you ask? Momma was a Staffordshire Bull Terrier. His daddy? "Handsome Stranger." We suspect, based on Odie's shape so far, his poppa was possibly an antelope, or maybe a kangaroo. A photo comparison is forthcoming. You will laugh. 
