Odie the Wonder(ful) Dog

We think Odie the Wonder Dog, our 85-pound rescue mostly pit bull, is the best dog in existence. Some of you might feel the same about your dogs. I know "Sparky" and "Cuddles" definitely qualified when they were alive. But Odie has taken another step toward ascendency in the world of canines. Odie is now a Certified Therapy Dog which means we can now take him to different places to brighten up the day for lots of people. Recently he has made visits to three retirement community facilities where he made some old folks laugh out loud and pet him. Also, he visited a self-contained Special Needs middle school classroom where he was quite popular with kids petting him, laying on him, poking and pulling on all his parts, sticking their hands in his mouth, and letting him slurp their faces. And Odie loved every minute. "Wonder Dog?" You bet.